1940's Electroshock Therapy Unit
1940's Electroshock Therapy Unit
This Rieter electroshock therapy unit is older than I have previously carried. I have plugged it in and still works and has a foot pedal button that controls the unit. When you step on the trigger the timer is also activated allowing you to see the seconds the dosage is given ( a bit primitive compared to later modes). Comes with original electrodes and rubber head band. What also makes this unique is a series of letters from the doctor to the tech. They discuss usage, calibration, dosage to activate breathing after convulsive seizure etc. Also comes with original instructions .
Below are some claims from Rieter:
This invention relates to a new and useful method and apparatus for use in shock therapy. An object of the invention is to change the customary procedure in giving patients shock treatments so that with minimum dosage least brain destruction is caused; minimum confusion ensues; minimum apnea or none at all may be resultant; similarly minimum or zero anoxia is caused; and controlled after effects may be achieved.
A further object is to provide simple, eflicient, economical, easily operated means for the treatment of manic depressives, schizophrenics,
melancholics, paranoiacs, etc., and for the effective relief of ailments such as hyper-tension, to produce narcosis with small dosage, to produce hypnotic states, and slumber, and to produce minimum physical reactions without the use of drugs.