AB5000 VAD Heart Study Collection

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AB5000 VAD Heart Study Collection


The AB5000 was an early VAD device developed by Aboiomed in the early 2000 to be allowed to be used for bridge to recovery. AB5000 VAD is engineered to provide support of acute heart failure patients. In many cases, profound shock patients require biventricular support (both sides of the heart). The AB5000 can assume the pumping function of a patient’s failing heart, allowing the heart to rest, heal and potentially recover. AB5000 is designed to provide either univentricular or biventricular support.

This display is a great addition to a cardiovascular study collection. The collection comes with the AB500 and a manual pump to demonstrate the pumping action of the heart (two canulas shown included) . The piece can also be hooked up to a pneumatic driver for more in depth study and testing scenarios.

Sold as a medical museum / study device

Note* This item only ships in the U.S

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