Adjustable Thermal Mitten EMU Flown NASA Space Shuttle mission STS-113
Adjustable Thermal Mitten EMU Flown NASA Space Shuttle mission STS-113
Astronauts report that their hands get cold while they are doing extravehicular activity, especially when they are not in sunlight. Two solutions were devised: fingertip heaters in their pressurized gloves and thermal mittens to wear over their gloves. This insulated mitten, designed by ILC Dover (makers of the space suit), can add some warmth temporarily, but it would be removed for tasks that require finger dexterity. Astronauts tested mittens like this on the STS-63 space shuttle mission in 1995.
Obtained from the Johnson Space Center (JSC), in original inventory bag with deaccession documents from NASA JSC.
The mittens were utilized in order to protect gloves from cuts to the gloves. Crew members were instructed to wear this APMA during particular phases of the EVA such as translating between work areas where there was reason for concern. The mitten could be removed during other phases of the EVA when close work was being performed. Glove listed in EVA inventory for mission STS-113
Last photo shows other gloves we have listed separetly